About Us

True Cleaning
Service options, availability, pricing, and fees may vary by location and are subject to change. Access to specific cleaning services, packages, or premium add-ons may be subject to additional terms, conditions, or fees. Please contact us for details on service offerings and customized cleaning solutions. Always ensure a safe environment when scheduling deep cleaning or specialized treatments. Additional fees may apply for select services or premium add-ons (e.g., deep cleaning for high-traffic areas may require a separate charge). Contact us for specific terms and conditions. Always ensure proper ventilation and safety measures when scheduling intensive cleaning treatments.
our work process
Quality Control
We take full responsibility for your facility’s cleaning quality. Unlike others, we conduct weekly on-site inspections to ensure immediate issue resolution and consistently high standards.

We tailor our cleaning program to fit your facility’s needs and adjust as they evolve. Our goal is a strong partnership built on personalized service.

Worker Selection
Beyond great management, the key to any maintenance program is the cleaning staff. We hire only skilled, responsible, and professional individuals, requiring both business and personal references.